PES 2011 Patch

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Patch 0.4 News

Hi guys, I'm sorry if you have to wait a lot for Patch 0.4, but I was very busy in these months. Actually I have enough free time to work on the patch, so I hope I'll able to release it in two/three weeks.

Thanks for your support!



  1. Gracias por la nuevas noticias, estaba esperando desde hace mas de 4 meses, tus parches son los mejores :)

  2. razib please finish this patch immediately, no game 'more porcausa pes patch that has no good as your

    sorry my english

  3. Take your time, mate! Thank you for news! I am waiting for your great patch!

  4. finally good news, I was expecting you to come up another patch because I've updated and changed many things and I can not turn back. no patch to improve yours, thank you very much. with the Championship (second division Spanish) would be the perfect game

  5. gracias, es el mejor parche!! saludos

  6. Excellent news, I was waiting for your return, do not forget the suggestions that I left in the comments of UP 0.3, some corrections!
    I hope your patch friend, bye.

  7. Grande, non vedo l'ora che esce.. e me raccomando, ritocca pure la roma (marquinhos SX così come tachtsidis SX e scritto bene) in più mi sono accorto che ci sono degli errori, ad esempio quando vinci il campionato o la coppa italia compare sballato il 'banner' con scritto la squadra vincente e il nome della competizione.. spero m'hai capito!
    Buon lavoro!

  8. grande razib per quanto riguarda scarpini originali in ml si può fare qualcosa?

  9. Thanks RAZIB but I want from you not editing players rating .

  10. Razib, good to hear you are working on new update. Can you make it earlier release. I can't wait to play, been months I never play just to wait for your patch. Thanks.
